2019, സെപ്റ്റംബർ 19, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച

a love song

yeah, she was like a lone Lilly
that stood in the deepest part of the lake  
yeah, she was like a lone rose flower 
in a desert 
yeah, she was like a lone lotus 
that stood in a large lake 
yeah , she sang like a cuckoo 
but cuckoos too stopped singing 
just to hear her 
and they fell in to a long silence 
so sweet was her song 
that peacocks started to dance 
her song urged them 
to dance 

I stood there stunned by 
her beauty and 
her sweet sound 
the song hurting my heart 

yeah, it was a love song 
the man rich 
and the maid poor; but beautiful 
in the end the man deceives the poor girl 
and marries a rich girl 

yeah, the girl was cheated 
and thousands of girls 
get cheated now and then 
and the story continues 
without much change 

I stood there listening 
didn't dare to move 
lest she stopped singing 
and towards the end 
perhaps, the girl was 
crying !

I met her three days later 
I said : that song 
was pretty good 
she smiled, said nothing 

2019, ജൂലൈ 30, ചൊവ്വാഴ്ച

She -- her life

The cat 
It came through the window
Went out by the open door
Didn't acknowledge entry 
Neither exit 
But it took away what it wanted. 

Like a cat 
Came through the window 
Went out by the open door 
Didn't acknowledge entry
Neither exit
But it took away what it wanted 

Like a cat 
Came through the window 
Went out by the open door 
Didn't acknowledge entry 
Neither exit 
But it took away what it wanted

Like a cat 
Came through the window 
Went out by the open door 
Didn't acknowledge entry 
Neither exit 
But it took away what it wanted

She was lying on the pyre 
No more complaints 
No more anxieties
She was waiting for me 
To light the pyre 
Yes, I have to 
And I light it 
Flames and fumes 
Soured high 

I saw the tongues of fire 
Caressing her 
Saw she was submissive 
And the union was final 
And complete once and forever 

Saw the stars remain 
The sun moon and earth remain 
The wind is the same 
The fruits and flowers are the same 
Life is the same except for her 

Now I sit alone 
Writing the last words on her 
She was my beloved 
She had loved me 
More than I ever could 
But her love was so frantic 
That made her a maniac 
And that had ended her up 


2019, ജൂലൈ 25, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച

The Last Letter To Meji

The last letter to Meji was written in English. The author seemed to be in a hurry. It just stated his love for Meji. Meji sat at her table. Her hands trembled. It was just like any other letter she had received from him. 

It just pleaded her to return his love. The only difference was that this letter stated " This is my last plea. This is my last letter". Meji was really sorry. Though she had never seen him , nor knew  nothing about him , she had fallen in love with him. Each letter was anxiously awaited by her. For the last two years every Friday was marked in her life with a letter that proclaimed this man's eternal love for her. 

Every Friday her heart thronged to send letter of acceptance of his love. To tell the truth, the first few letters annoyed her. Then she learned to discard them. Later she developed a curious interest in them. Better say, she anticipated them. 

On every Friday, her eyes would go through the letters, got relaxed at the familiar hand-writing She would take the letter to her table, open it with  calm and pleasure. Each time she did this she felt a thrill. But each letter missed the most important factor. True, each letter earnestly expressed his love, his willingness to marry her. The letters clearly expressed his intense love. 

So this was to be the last letter. 

"Unless you answer this letter, I will not disturb you anymore" 

So, this is the last letter. This will be the last letter. She will never know  who her lover was , for this letter too did not give his address. 

2017, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 16, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച


Shall I tell you 
That I had never loved her? 
Shall   I  tell you 
That   I  had never met her?
But for what purpose?

Yeah, we were friends

Yeah, we were more than friends
And met quite often
And never intended to part with 
But we had to 

But I never said her 

That I was in love with her
Nor did she tell
But we perhaps were in love 
But now we consider ours 
A good friendship 

an unmatched flower

Those days were warmer
Of course
I remember still 
Those flowers with which I adorned her
And her lips blossomed in to an unmatched flower

Dear, said I 
And I failed to say anything more
She was expecting me to say 
But , what?

I stood there still 
Her friends too waiting to hear me tell 
But I had no words
I didn't knew how to say my love

Laaloott? (Finish? ) she asked
Umden (Not yet) said I 
Her friends stood with expectation 
I had forgotten the words for LOVE.
After a moment, there was laughter

I in despair
Walked up to her
Kissed her lips in public
There was silence now
No virgin to be kissed by a stranger 
That I didn't know

Now she could not dance before the deities

She lost chastity
She is still a virgin, said I
No, there was a chorus

I took her hand and walked out

None came to stop us
There was smile on her lips,
But a drop of tear in her eyes 
I knew how she wanted to dance 
Before the deities.


To the land of memories
I invite you
To explore
To conqure
To win

Where else shall i take you to?

This land of utopia
Lies a thousand kilometers
From here
The heaven on this earth
Where gods and goddesses live

Where else shall i take you to?

The land where
Most beautiful flowers bloom
Most beautiful women smiles
Most beautiful clothes are woven

Where else shall i take you to?

Her name was
Memory Lingdow