2019, ജൂലൈ 25, വ്യാഴാഴ്‌ച

The Last Letter To Meji

The last letter to Meji was written in English. The author seemed to be in a hurry. It just stated his love for Meji. Meji sat at her table. Her hands trembled. It was just like any other letter she had received from him. 

It just pleaded her to return his love. The only difference was that this letter stated " This is my last plea. This is my last letter". Meji was really sorry. Though she had never seen him , nor knew  nothing about him , she had fallen in love with him. Each letter was anxiously awaited by her. For the last two years every Friday was marked in her life with a letter that proclaimed this man's eternal love for her. 

Every Friday her heart thronged to send letter of acceptance of his love. To tell the truth, the first few letters annoyed her. Then she learned to discard them. Later she developed a curious interest in them. Better say, she anticipated them. 

On every Friday, her eyes would go through the letters, got relaxed at the familiar hand-writing She would take the letter to her table, open it with  calm and pleasure. Each time she did this she felt a thrill. But each letter missed the most important factor. True, each letter earnestly expressed his love, his willingness to marry her. The letters clearly expressed his intense love. 

So this was to be the last letter. 

"Unless you answer this letter, I will not disturb you anymore" 

So, this is the last letter. This will be the last letter. She will never know  who her lover was , for this letter too did not give his address. 


ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ