2017, ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 16, ബുധനാഴ്‌ച

an unmatched flower

Those days were warmer
Of course
I remember still 
Those flowers with which I adorned her
And her lips blossomed in to an unmatched flower

Dear, said I 
And I failed to say anything more
She was expecting me to say 
But , what?

I stood there still 
Her friends too waiting to hear me tell 
But I had no words
I didn't knew how to say my love

Laaloott? (Finish? ) she asked
Umden (Not yet) said I 
Her friends stood with expectation 
I had forgotten the words for LOVE.
After a moment, there was laughter

I in despair
Walked up to her
Kissed her lips in public
There was silence now
No virgin to be kissed by a stranger 
That I didn't know

Now she could not dance before the deities

She lost chastity
She is still a virgin, said I
No, there was a chorus

I took her hand and walked out

None came to stop us
There was smile on her lips,
But a drop of tear in her eyes 
I knew how she wanted to dance 
Before the deities.


ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ